MONTH OF ELUL: September 4 – October 2, 2024

Tribe: GAD (Genesis 30:11; Genesis 49:19)

  • Good expectation; Rewards will begin to manifest
  • Faithful to their commitment


Characteristics: Preparation of Peace

The month of Elul is about preparing for the high and holy days between the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Tabernacles. Ephesians 6:15 says, “And having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” In biblical times, warfare involved standing your ground. The term “preparation” means foundation. As believers, we stand on the promise of the word of the Living God, not on fables. The foundation of peace keeps your heart and mind secure. Refuse to quit or give in to the enemy’s lies. Stand with faith, ready to march forward, because Jesus, the Prince of Peace, leads you!


The Eye of the Needle

Elul is known as “The Eye of the Needle” month in Israel. God doesn’t need much room to work in your life—He can do great things if you give Him just a little space. No area of your life is too small for Jesus to reign. He wants to fill you with grace, mercy, and power. Let Him make you ready for the abundance He is sending. God sees you as mighty and powerful—able to possess the land. Open your heart by faith and rejoice for what He will do!


The King Is In The Field

In Israel, during a special time, the king would leave his throne and go into the field to meet the people, allowing them to speak with him. Over 2,000 years ago, King Jesus left heaven to dwell among us (John 1:14). His presence remains on earth, inviting us to come to Him. His throne is a place of help, grace, and mercy. You can speak to Him, touch Him, and He will change your life. Ask Him—“Ask and it will be given.” You can trust the word of the King!


  • Approach the King for what you need and let Him shine upon you.
  • A month of spiritual service, organization, and management.
  • A month to find yourself in the company of the Lord.


A Month to Fix What Is Broken

During Elul, the king would leave his palace and set up camp in the field, allowing everyone to approach him. Normally, access to the king required a formal summons, palace protocols, and strict guidelines. But in the month of Elul, the king came into the field, inviting people to come just as they were—no dress code, no intimidation. The king received everyone with a smiling face and listened to their concerns. The peasant in the field had the same access to the king as the highest-ranking official.


Biblical Examples of Kings in the Field


  1. King Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 19)

Jehoshaphat went out among the people to turn their hearts back to the Lord and establish justice. He saw injustice and oppression, so he appointed judges to bring righteousness and fairness to the people.

  1. King Melchizedek (Genesis 14)

Melchizedek met Abram in the field, blessing him with bread and wine after battle, strengthening and refreshing him.

  1. King Jesus

Jesus, the greatest King, left His throne to dwell among us in mortal flesh. He came to manifest God’s goodness, love, and righteousness, drawing us into a relationship with the Father.


As kings and priests (Revelation 1:6), we are in the field like Christ. We should walk among the people with a smiling face, reconciling them to God with His love and righteousness.


“So we are Christ’s ambassadors, God making His appeal through us. We beg you on behalf of Christ to be reconciled to God.” — 2 Corinthians 5:20


Hebrew Letter: YUD

Appointed mercy from the hand of God.


Constellation: VIRGO (The Virgin)

“I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.”



  1. I DECREE, the foundation of peace is keeping my heart and mind.
  2. I DECREE, I am preparing for the Holy Spirit to reveal light and power.
  3. I DECREE, I am creating intentional time to meet with God, because the King is in the field!
  4. I DECREE, I am walking in God’s favor.
  5. I DECREE, faithfulness will manifest a great God reward.